PATROLS - Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 760813 PATROLS

eNanoMapper database instance

License: private


Dextran Blue IL-8 ELISA IL-6 ELISA Human IL-6 DuoSet ELISA Human IL-8 DuoSet ELISA Human TNF-alpha DuoSet ELISA BCG Albumin Assay Urea Assay Kit Micronucleus Assay Cytokinesis-Block Proliferation Index TRYPAN BLUE Human IL-8/CXCL8 DuoSet ELISA Trypan Blue assay following 3D HepG2 spheroid repeated does ENM exposure Adenylate Kinase ToxiLight Assay


MTS CELL VIABILITY ASSAY Impedance adherent cells ALAMAR BLUE Impedance flow cytometry NRU Spectrophotometric Method viability COMET RT-PCR MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY COMET FPG CBMN assay Manual scoring LUCIFER YELLOW Intestinal barrier integrity intestinal barrier integrity SEM-EDX TEM ELISA Annexin V_PI (FACS) Griess Reagent LUMINEX® Reaction Oxygen Species Detection DLS Batch Dispersion Quality supplier WAXS VSSA SUPPLIER TGA Filtration ICP-MS DAPI Hoechst 33342 CELL COUNTER Nuclear Intensity Nuclear area CFE Mitochondrial Membrane Potential dye Lysosomal dye Ki-67 apoptosis cell cycle cleaved caspase-3 Genotoxicity ATM phospho S1981 H2AX phospho S139 p53 phospho s15 Annexin V (Apoptosis) / PI (Necrosis) Nanoparticle tracking Analysis SEM SOP-Toxicity Test with Daphnia magna (without NOM) Weighing Optical Microscope FACS analysis Colorimetric assay Keylab cell counter CCK8 assay Pig-A gene Swiss roll HE-Pycnometer in vitro oral mucosa 3D model Confocal microscopy TEM/STEM SAXS OECD TG487 MTT assay ELISA MULTIPLEX method barrier test May grunwald giemsa coloration of BAL cells cytospin biochemistry automate ICP-MS automatic count WAXD sp_ICP-MS Aerosol Characterisation XRD Dustiness JRCNM01001a ISO 10872:2010 Water QualityDetermination of the toxic effects of sediment and soil samples on growth, fertility and reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans OECD TG 202 Acute Toxicity OECD TG 201 ATR-FTIR HAADF-STEM CHN-analysis commercial kits manual count ICP-OES Potentiometry PSEUDOKIRCHNERIELLA SUBCAPITATA CLS Colimetry Propidium iodide Manual count /100 cells vibrofluidization Vortex Shaker LDH DCFH2-DA EDX TRYPAN BLUE PrestoBlue protocol A13261


COMET ALAMAR BLUE Impedance adherent cells CFE Dot-blot Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis DLS NTA Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) ZETA POTENTIAL CFDA-AM NRU OECD TG 202 OECD TG 201 EXPOSURE MTS CELL VIABILITY ASSAY Oxiblot® kit, Merck


radioactive tag labelling Expression of adhesion molecules flow cytometry DHE DCFH2-DA MTT Assay WST-1 LDH Propidium Iodide uptake IL6, TNF, etc By ELISA immunostaining COMET Cytokinesis Block Micronucleus Cytome (CBMN Cyt) NanoTest FeCell IC Chemical composition of particles HPLC-MS TEM SAD SAED DHE (Dihydroethidium) and Hoechst 33342 ICP-OES fluorescent rhodamine-labeled


WST-1 LDH ALAMAR BLUE COMET Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Fibroblast proliferation


TEER NRU Resazurin LDH CFE Embryonic Stem Cell Test WST-1 ELISA Internalization of latex beads by cells, macrophage activity, inflammation Prothrombotic effects upon systemic administration Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation (DCS) SEM X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) TGA ALAMAR BLUE CFDA-AM OECD TG 202 OECD TG 225 OECD TG 217 Plant root length elongation Genotoxicity MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY ICP-MS ICP-OES DLS XRD Porosity OECD TG 210 OECD TG 201 systemic administration


MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY COMET MLA-TK COMET FPG RICC TCC (Coulter counter) TRYPAN BLUE NRU XTT ICP-OES TEM SAXS TGA autopsy analysis blood kinetics analysis EDS DLS BET animal info Flow cytometry with PI staining XRD